Find your next star employee. At SCL and ISyE, we have outstanding students who are intelligent, innovative, self-motivated, accomplished, and have a strong work ethic. Depending on your staffing needs, we offer a variety of opportunities for you to engage and recruit these exceptional students.
If you have a supply chain and logistics-specific opportunity or need, the Supply Chain and Logistics Institute can assist. Please see below for examples of resources that can assist in your search.
SCL Hosted Supply Chain Day Career Fairs
SCL hosts three dedicated supply chain and logistics recruiting fairs each year (typically September, November, February). These "Supply Chain Days" are attended by ISyE and other GT students from other disciplines specifically interested in the supply chain and logistics field. Priority placement is given to SCL's member companies, and space permitting, other companies are invited to host a table.
SCL also works with organizations to host dedicated company-specific events, host company representatives to deliver class lectures, foster and conduct meetings with Georgia Tech faculty, serve as a matchmaker for interns, and identify student group projects. For questions relating to these initiatives, send us a general question.

Publicize a Job Position to Interested ISyE Students

If you have a current opportunity/position, forward a job description containing the below to The position will then be posted to ISyE's IE Job Placement site which is monitored by students who are actively seeking employment opportunities.
- Level(s) of student you are targeting (e.g. undergraduate or graduate) and any other special requirements
- Job Title
- Organization Name
- Organization Profile
- Position Type (i.e. Full-time, Part-time, Permanent, Contract)
- Position Level (i.e. Internship, Entry Level (less than 2 yrs experience), Mid-Career, Executive)
- Job Description
- Job Requirements
- Salary information
- Job Location
- Contact information (i.e. name, email, address1, address2, city, state, zip, phone number) for interested applicants
IISE Hosted ISyE Career Fair and Information Sessions
The Georgia Tech IISE Chapter hosts an ISyE Career Fair twice a year (Spring and Fall). There are typically ~300 students in attendance, making this is a great opportunity to reach a large GT student audience. For the next scheduled event, please visit GT IISE's website. For questions, contact
GT IISE also hosts company information session throughout the year. Learn about hosting an IISE information session on the Georgia Tech campus.

Georgia Tech Career Center
Georgia Tech's Career Center assists students and companies through on-campus recruiting, job postings, a resume book and support of an Internship/Co-op Fair. Visit to learn how to participate in their various offerings throughout the year (e.g. All Majors Career Fair, Virtual Career Fairs, job postings, employer information sessions).
The Georgia Tech Career Center also supports CareerBuzz, an interview and job posting management system that enables students and recent alumni to upload resumes, search and apply for full time, part time, and internship positions, sign up for on-campus interviews and more. The system allows Employers to post job openings, review applicant resumes, request space for on-campus interviews, select and invite students to interview, and many other job management functions.
Co-op and Internships
For current or potential employers, visit the C2D2 site to learn how to participate in undergraduate and graduate co-op or internship programs. Whether you wish to employ students in domestic and/or international positions, the Center can assist in meeting your workforce and training needs.
- Co-op/Internship Hiring and Supervising Process
- Printable version of Co-op/Internship Hiring and Supervising Process
Georgia Tech Alumni Association
As part of their services, the Georgia Tech Alumni Association hosts an annual career fair and networking events, and supports a job database for GT alumni and potential employers. Please visit for more information.
As part of their mission to champion and serve Georgia Tech alumni and the Institute through programming and engagement that fosters lifelong relationships and philanthropic support, the Georgia Tech Alumni Association hosts an annual career fair and networking events, and supports a job database for GT alumni and potential employers.